Wednesday, April 22, 2009

love and shame and honour...The Fray (2009)

ive been listening to the fray's new album this week.

their music is pretty close to me.

how to save a life (2005) was my favourite album for a long time - i felt like i needed saving at the time. and music was a big part of who i was.

the new album (self-titled) is just as good.
my first impression was...boring.
but its grown on me, to the point where a few tracks play on repeat while im driving.

its honest and beautiful and sad.

my favourite song is 'enough for now'....i suppose its a father/daughter/lover story - lost love, love left too late, regret, shame ..
"he should have never left you broken, he should have held you.."
it reminds us to appreciate what we have.

the whole album is more mature - and came at a good time for me.

a lot of people hide from their problems, from the shame of not being strong, or not being as together as they seem. i guess this is one band who makes it known that its ok to be lost and broken and to need help. some people were made to heal, to pick the rest of us up. maybe they have grown so tired of feeling helpless, theyve opened up and told us their stories, so we can all help each other. its ok to be lost.

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